– Common Function Library Project

AsciiToDec(string[, order][, signed])

Last updated January 02, 2003


Evan Keller

Version: 2 | Requires: CF5 | Library: StrLib

Convert ASCII characters (i.e. binary file) into a decimal number. You can specify either Intel or Motorola byte order, and process signed intergers normally or in two's complement notation.

Return Values:
Returns a string.


<cfset ascii = "!�?�?�?�?�?�?�?¿">
Unsigned Intel: #AsciiToDec(ascii)#<br>
Signed Intel: #AsciiToDec(ascii, "i", true)#<br>
TCN signed Intel: #AsciiToDec(ascii, "i", "tcn")#<br>
Unsigned Motorola: #AsciiToDec(ascii, "m")#


Name Description Required
string String to format. Yes
order Byte order (i for Intel or m for Motorola) No
signed Process signed integers normally or in two's complement notation. Values are false (process normally), true (signed), and tcn (2's complement notation) No

Full UDF Source:

 * Convert ASCII characters into a decimal number.
 * Removed evaluate
 * @param string      String to format. (Required)
 * @param order      Byte order (i for Intel or m for Motorola) (Optional)
 * @param signed      Process signed integers normally or in two's complement notation. Values are false (process normally), true (signed), and tcn (2's complement notation) (Optional)
 * @return Returns a string. 
 * @author Evan Keller ( 
 * @version 2, January 2, 2003 
function AsciiToDec(string) {
    var order="i";        //Optional arrtibute: Byte Order
                        //"i"= Intel (default)
                        //"m"= Motorola
    var signed=false;    //Optional attribute: Signed
                        //false= unsigned (default)
                        //true= signed
                        //"tcn"= 2's Complement Notation
    var result=0;
    var i=0;
    if (ArrayLen(arguments) gt 1) {
        order = arguments[2];
    if (ArrayLen(arguments) gt 2) {
        signed = arguments[3];
    for (i=1; i LTE len(string)+1; i=i+1) {
        if (order is "i") {
            result = result + (asc(mid(string, i, 1)) * 256^(i-1));
        if (order is "m") {
            result = result + (asc(mid(string, i, 1)) * 256^(len(string)-i));
    switch (signed) {
        case true:
            if (len(string) is 0) { //If the string is "0" the length is calculated as zero,
                                    //which throws things off, we set the string to " " so
                                    //it has a length of one.
                string = " ";
            result = result - 256^len(string)/2;
        case "tcn":
            if (result GTE 256^len(string)/2) {
                result = result - 256^len(string);
            result = result;
    return result;


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November 04, 2017

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April 25, 2016

Created by Raymond Camden / Design by Justin Johnson