– Common Function Library Project


Last updated July 31, 2004


Steven Van Gemert

Version: 3 | Requires: CF5 | Library: MathLib

Creates an array of all the prime numbers from 1 to the specified integer.

Return Values:
Returns an array.


<cfdump var="#getprimes(1000)#">


Name Description Required
topInt The number to calculate primes for. Yes

Full UDF Source:

 * Creates an array of all the prime numbers from 1 to the specified integer.
 * @param topInt      The number to calculate primes for. (Required)
 * @return Returns an array. 
 * @author Steven Van Gemert ( 
 * @version 3, July 31, 2004 
function GetPrimes(topInt) {
    var stepInt = 0;
    var i = 0;
    var primes = arraynew(1);
    var di = 4; //Wheel factor.
    var maxfactor = 0;
    var thisnumberoffactors = 0;
    var thismaxfactor = 0;
    var isprime = "yes";

    if(topInt is 1) return primes;
    primes[1] = 2;
    if(topInt is 2) return primes;
    primes[2] = 3;
    if(topInt LTE 4) return primes;

    maxfactor = ceiling(sqr(topInt));
    primes = getPrimes(maxfactor); //Recursion call. Find the primes for the square root of the passed number.

    //Make the current maxfactor odd. We will use this as a starting point for checking for primes above the square root of this number.
    maxfactor = maxfactor + 1 + (1 * (not ((maxfactor + 1) mod 2)));

    //Now determine the appropriate wheel factor beginning value.
    if(not (maxfactor mod 3)){
        maxfactor = maxfactor + 2;
        di = 4;
    } else if(not ((maxfactor + 2) mod 3)){
        di = 2;
        di = 4;

    thisnumberoffactors = arraylen(primes);  
    for(stepInt=maxfactor; stepInt lte topInt; stepInt=stepInt+di) {
        di = 6 - di; //Implement wheel factor. Every third odd number will be divisible by 3. Don't check it.
        //This will be the limit to where we check for factors. There must be at least one factor less than the square root of the number.
        thismaxfactor = sqr(stepInt);

        isprime = "yes"; //Assume this number is prime.

        for(i=1; i LTE thisnumberoffactors; i = i + 1){ //For each factor...
            if(not (stepInt mod primes[i])){
            isprime = "no"; //Indicate that this number is not prime.
            break; //Break if we find a valid factor.
            } else if(primes[i] GT thismaxfactor){ //If we have reached the square root.
            break; //Stop processing...we have now validated this number as a prime.
        if(isprime)ArrayAppend(primes,stepInt); //If this number is prime, then add it to the array of primes.

    return primes;


Latest Additions

Raymond Camden added
November 04, 2017

Leigh added
May 11, 2016

Raymond Camden added
May 10, 2016

Kevin Cotton added
May 05, 2016

Raymond Camden added
April 25, 2016

Created by Raymond Camden / Design by Justin Johnson