– Common Function Library Project

MakeDateSelectLists(NameList, StartYear, EndYear[, DefaultDate][, theDelim])

Last updated June 21, 2002


Shawn Seley

Version: 1 | Requires: CF5 | Library: DateLib

Creates a three-part date entry via HTML pulldowns for month, day and year, defaulting to the passed DefaultDate, and restricting the year to a range between StartYear and EndYear. Each fieldname is specified via NameList.

Return Values:
Returns a string.


<form action="" method="post">
Enter date:<br>
<cfoutput>#MakeDateSelectLists("month,day,year", Year(now()), Year(DateAdd("yyyy", 4, now())) )#</cfoutput>


Name Description Required
NameList A list specifying the names to use for the form fields created. Yes
StartYear The first year in the year drop down. Yes
EndYear The last year in the year drop down. Yes
DefaultDate The date the drop downs will default to. Default is now(). No
theDelim Delimiter for NameList. Defaults to a comma. No

Full UDF Source:

 * Creates pulldowns for month, day and year.
 * @param NameList      A list specifying the names to use for the form fields created. (Required)
 * @param StartYear      The first year in the year drop down. (Required)
 * @param EndYear      The last year in the year drop down. (Required)
 * @param DefaultDate      The date the drop downs will default to. Default is now(). (Optional)
 * @param theDelim      Delimiter for NameList. Defaults to a comma. (Optional)
 * @return Returns a string. 
 * @author Shawn Seley ( 
 * @version 1, June 21, 2002 
function MakeDateSelectLists(NameList, StartYear, EndYear) {
    var out_string  = "";
    var i           = 1;
    var theDelim    = ",";
    var CR          = chr(13);
    var defaultDate = now();
    if(arrayLen(arguments) gte 4) defaultDate = arguments[4];
    if(ArrayLen(Arguments) GTE 5) theDelim = Arguments[5];

    // Month
    out_string = "<select name='#ListFirst(NameList, theDelim)#'>#CR#";
    for(i=1; i LTE 12; i=i+1){
        if(i EQ Month(DefaultDate)){
            out_string  = out_string & "<option value='#i#' selected>#MonthAsString(i)#</option>#CR#";
        } else {
            out_string  = out_string & "<option value='#i#'>#MonthAsString(i)#</option>#CR#";
    out_string = out_string & "</select>#CR##CR#";

    // Day
    out_string = out_string & "<select name='#ListGetAt(NameList, 2, theDelim)#'>#CR#";
    for(i=1; i LTE 31; i=i+1){
        if(i EQ Day(DefaultDate)){
            out_string  = out_string & "<option value='#i#' selected>#i#</option>#CR#";
        } else {
            out_string  = out_string & "<option value='#i#'>#i#</option>#CR#";
    out_string = out_string & "</select>#CR##CR#";

    // Year
    out_string = out_string & "<select name='#ListLast(NameList, theDelim)#'>#CR#";
    for(i = StartYear; i LTE EndYear; i=i+1){
        if(i EQ Year(DefaultDate)){
            out_string  = out_string & "<option value='#i#' selected>#i#</option>#CR#";
        } else {
            out_string  = out_string & "<option value='#i#'>#i#</option>#CR#";
    out_string = out_string & "</select>#CR##CR#";

    return out_string;


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Created by Raymond Camden / Design by Justin Johnson