– Common Function Library Project

SubStr(buf, start[, length])

Last updated July 02, 2002


Rudi Roselli Pettazzi

Version: 2 | Requires: CF5 | Library: StrLib

It mimics the behaviour of php "substr", enclosing mid, left and right functionalities into a single function and adding some extra-functionality and trick. For instance: - substr("abcdef", -2) is the same as right("abcdef", 2), - substr("abcdef", 1, 3) is the same as left("abcdef", 3), - substr("abcdef", 2, 4) is the same as mid("abcdef", 2, 4) At the same time, it permits things like - substr("abcdef", 2) instead of mid("abcdef", 2, len("abcdef")-2) - substr("abcdef", -2, 1) to say "start 2 chars before the end of the string, and take 1 char." - substr("abcdef", -4, -1) to say "start 4 chars before the end of the string, and throw away the last char." It returns an empty string in case of inconsistent indexes.

Return Values:
Returns a string.


<cfset buffer = "Sailors">
substr(buffer, 2) = #substr(buffer, 2)#<br>
substr(buffer, -2) = #substr(buffer, -2)#<br>
substr(buffer, 1, 3) = #substr(buffer, 1, 3)#<br>
substr(buffer, 2, 4) = #substr(buffer, 2, 4)#<br>
substr(buffer, 2, -3) = #substr(buffer, 2, -3)#<br>
substr(buffer, -4, 2) = #substr(buffer, -4, 2)#<br>
substr(buffer, -4, -1) = #substr(buffer, -4, -1)#<br>


Name Description Required
buf The string to parse. Yes
start The start position index. If negative, counts from the right side. Yes
length Number of characters to return. If not passed, returns from start to end (if positive start value). No

Full UDF Source:

 * Returns the substring of a string. It mimics the behaviour of the homonymous php function so it permits negative indexes too.
 * @param buf      The string to parse. (Required)
 * @param start      The start position index. If negative, counts from the right side. (Required)
 * @param length      Number of characters to return. If not passed, returns from start to end (if positive start value). (Optional)
 * @return Returns a string. 
 * @author Rudi Roselli Pettazzi ( 
 * @version 2, July 2, 2002 
function SubStr(buf, start) {
    // third argument (optional)
    var length = 0;
    var sz = 0;
    sz = len(buf);
    if (arrayLen(arguments) EQ 2) {

        if (start GT 0) {
            length = sz;
        } else if (start LT 0) {
            length = sz + start;
            start = 1;
    } else {
        length = Arguments[3];
        if (start GT 0) {
            if (length LT 0)   length = 1+sz+length-start;
        } else if (start LT 0) {
            if (length LT 0) length = length-start;
            start = 1+sz+start;
    if (isNumeric(start) AND isNumeric(length) AND start GT 0 AND length GT 0) return mid(buf, start, length);
    else return "";


Latest Additions

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Created by Raymond Camden / Design by Justin Johnson