– Common Function Library Project

URLDecrypt(nKey[, QueryString])

Last updated October 08, 2002


Timothy Heald

Version: 3 | Requires: CF5 | Library: SecurityLib

This is actually two functions. The first urlEncrypt("name=value&name=value&name=value",key) you use when you would have a link or an action that you would be setting url variables in. The second urlDecrypt(key) you use on whatever page you are calling, or using as the form action page.

Return Values:
Writes to the URL scope.


Create an encrypted query string. Normally this
would not be hard coded.

<CFSET Name = "Ray">
<CFSET Age = 28>
<CFSET Key = "MySecretBlah348123190">
<CFSET QS = "name=#Name#&age=#Age#">
<CFSET QS = URLEncrypt(QS,key)>
QueryString is #QS#<P>
<CFSET URLDecrypt(Key,QS)>
Dump of URL scope:


Name Description Required
nKey The encryption key to use. Yes
QueryString Defaults to CGI.Query_String No

Full UDF Source:

 * Add security by encrypting and decrypting URL variables. See URLEncrypt.
 * Mod by David Heard - added decode
 * @param nKey      The encryption key to use. (Required)
 * @param QueryString      Defaults to CGI.Query_String (Optional)
 * @return Writes to the URL scope. 
 * @author Timothy Heald ( 
 * @version 3, October 9, 2002 
function urlDecrypt(key){
    var queryString = cgi.path_info;
    var scope = "url";
    var stuff = "";
    var oldcheck = "";
    var newcheck = "";
    var i = 0;
    var thisPair = "";
    var thisName = "";
    var thisValue = "";

    // see if a scope is provided if it is set it otherwise set it to url
    if(arrayLen(arguments) gt 1){
        scope = arguments[2];

    if ((right(queryString,3) neq "htm") or (findNoCase("&",queryString) neq 0) or (findNoCase("=",queryString) neq 0)){
        stuff = '<FONT color="red">not encrypted, or corrupted url</FONT>';
    } else {
        // remove /index.htm
        querystring = replace(queryString, right(queryString,10),'');
        // remove the leading slash
        querystring = replace(queryString, left(queryString,1),'');
        // grab the old checksum
           if (len(querystring) GT 2) {
               oldcheck = right(querystring, 2);
               querystring = rereplace(querystring, "(.*)..", "\1");
           // check the checksum
           newcheck = left(hash(querystring & key),2);
           if (newcheck NEQ oldcheck) {
               return querystring;
           //decrypt the passed value
        queryString = cfusion_decrypt(queryString, key);
            // set the variables
            for(i = 0; i lt listLen(queryString, '&'); i = i + 1){
                // Break up the list into seprate name=value pairs
                thisPair = listGetAt(queryString, i + 1, '&');
                // Get the name
                thisName = listGetAt(thisPair, 1, '=');
                // Get the value
                thisValue = listGetAt(thisPair, 2, '=');
                // Set the name with the scope
                thisName = scope & '.' & thisName;
                // Set the variable
                setVariable(thisName, thisValue);
    return stuff;


Latest Additions

Raymond Camden added
November 04, 2017

Leigh added
May 11, 2016

Raymond Camden added
May 10, 2016

Kevin Cotton added
May 05, 2016

Raymond Camden added
April 25, 2016

Created by Raymond Camden / Design by Justin Johnson