– Common Function Library Project

WriteCalendar(curMonth, curYear[, height][, width][, titleStyle][, numberStyle])

Last updated April 12, 2002


William Steiner

Version: 1 | Requires: CF5 | Library: StrLib

Pass in the month and year for the calendar, the height and width you want the calendar boxes to be, and the styles for the Title and Numbers. Returns a string that contains a table that contains the formated calendar.

Return Values:
Returns a string.


<STYLE TYPE="text/css">    <!--
    td.calendarNums { font-size : 10px; font-family : Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif; font-style : normal; font-weight : normal; }
    td.calendarTitle { font-size : 12px; font-family : Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif; font-style : normal; font-weight : Bold; }



Name Description Required
curMonth The month to display. Yes
curYear The year to display. Yes
height Height of the table cells. Defaults to 40. No
width Width of the table cells. Defaults to 60. No
titleStyle Style to apply to title row. No
numberStyle Style to apply to days of the month. No

Full UDF Source:

 * Produces a Calendar for a given month and year.
 * @param curMonth      The month to display. 
 * @param curYear      The year to display. 
 * @param height      Height of the table cells. Defaults to 40. 
 * @param width      Width of the table cells. Defaults to 60. 
 * @param titleStyle      Style to apply to title row. 
 * @param numberStyle      Style to apply to days of the month. 
 * @return Returns a string. 
 * @author William Steiner ( 
 * @version 1, April 12, 2002 
function createCalendar(curMonth,curYear) {
    var outString = "";
    var firstDay = CreateDate(curYear, curMonth, 1);
    var firstDayDigit = DayOfWeek(FirstDay);
    var i = 1;
    var h = 1;
    var height = 40;
    var width = 60;
    var titleStyle = "";
    var numberStyle = "";

    if(arrayLen(arguments) gte 3) height = arguments[3];
    if(arrayLen(arguments) gte 4) width = arguments[4];        
    if(arrayLen(arguments) gte 5) titleStyle = arguments[5];
    if(arrayLen(arguments) gte 6) numberStyle = arguments[6];
    outString = "<table border='1'><tr><td align=center colspan='7'  ";
    if(len(titleStyle)) outString = outString & "class='#titleStyle#'";
    outString = outString & ">#DateFormat(firstDay, 'mmmm')#</td></tr>";
    // if it isn't sunday, then we need to if space over to start on the corrent day of week
    if (firstDayDigit neq 1) {
        for (h=1; h lt DayOfWeek(FirstDay); h = h+1) {
            outString = outString & "<td>&nbnbsp;</td>";
    // loop thru all the dates in this month
    for (i=1; i lte DaysInMonth(firstDay); i = i+1) {
        //is it Sunday? if so start new row.
        if (DayOfWeek(CreateDate(curYear, curMonth, i)) eq 1) {
            outString = outString & "<tr>";
        // insert a day
        outString = outString & "<td align='left' valign='top' width='#width#px' ";
        if(len(numberStyle)) outString = outString & "class='#numberStyle#' ";
        outString = outString & "height='#height#'>#i#<br></td> ";
        // is it the last day of the month?  if so, fill row with blanks.
        if (i eq DaysInMonth(firstDay)) {
            for (h=1; h lte (7-DayOfWeek(CreateDate(curYear, curMonth, i))); h = h+1) {
                outString = outString & "<td>&nbsp;</td>";
        if (DayOfWeek(CreateDate(curYear, curMonth, i)) eq 7){
            outString = outString & "</tr>";
    outString=outString & "</table>";
    return outString;


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Created by Raymond Camden / Design by Justin Johnson