– Common Function Library Project


Last updated September 02, 2010


Shawn Porter

Version: 2 | Requires: CF5 | Library: StrLib

Fixes text using Microsoft Latin-1 "Extentions", namely ASCII characters 128-160. Supplies semicolons where missing in HTML numeric and common non-numeric entities. This is a rough port of John Walker's demoroniser, written in Perl.

Return Values:
Returns a string.


<cfset MSText = "My name is #Chr(147)#Foo#Chr(148)##Chr(133)#<br>">
<cfoutput>With MS Latin-1 Extentions:<br>#MSText#</cfoutput>

<cfset ValidText = DeMoronize(MSText)>
<cfoutput>Valid ASCII:<br>#ValidText#</cfoutput>


Name Description Required
text Text to be modified. Yes

Full UDF Source:

 * Fixes text using Microsoft Latin-1 &quot;Extentions&quot;, namely ASCII characters 128-160.
 * ASCII8217 mod by Tony Brandner
 * @param text      Text to be modified. (Required)
 * @return Returns a string. 
 * @author Shawn Porter ( 
 * @version 2, September 2, 2010 
function deMoronize (text) {
    var i = 0;

// map incompatible non-ISO characters into plausible 
    // substitutes
    text = Replace(text, Chr(128), "&euro;", "All");

    text = Replace(text, Chr(130), ",", "All");
    text = Replace(text, Chr(131), "<em>f</em>", "All");
    text = Replace(text, Chr(132), ",,", "All");
    text = Replace(text, Chr(133), "...", "All");
    text = Replace(text, Chr(136), "^", "All");

    text = Replace(text, Chr(139), ")", "All");
    text = Replace(text, Chr(140), "Oe", "All");

    text = Replace(text, Chr(145), "`", "All");
    text = Replace(text, Chr(146), "'", "All");
    text = Replace(text, Chr(147), """", "All");
    text = Replace(text, Chr(148), """", "All");
    text = Replace(text, Chr(149), "*", "All");
    text = Replace(text, Chr(150), "-", "All");
    text = Replace(text, Chr(151), "--", "All");
    text = Replace(text, Chr(152), "~", "All");
    text = Replace(text, Chr(153), "&trade;", "All");

    text = Replace(text, Chr(155), ")", "All");
    text = Replace(text, Chr(156), "oe", "All");

    // remove any remaining ASCII 128-159 characters
    for (i = 128; i LTE 159; i = i + 1)
        text = Replace(text, Chr(i), "", "All");

    // map Latin-1 supplemental characters into
    // their &name; encoded substitutes
    text = Replace(text, Chr(160), "&nbsp;", "All");

    text = Replace(text, Chr(163), "&pound;", "All");

    text = Replace(text, Chr(169), "&copy;", "All");

    text = Replace(text, Chr(176), "&deg;", "All");

    // encode ASCII 160-255 using ? format
    for (i = 160; i LTE 255; i = i + 1)
        text = REReplace(text, "(#Chr(i)#)", "&###i#;", "All");

    for (i = 8216; i LTE 8218; i = i + 1) text = Replace(text, Chr(i), "'", "All");
// supply missing semicolon at end of numeric entities
    text = ReReplace(text, "&##([0-2][[:digit:]]{2})([^;])", "&##\1;\2", "All");
// fix obscure numeric rendering of &lt; &gt; &amp;
    text = ReReplace(text, "&##038;", "&amp;", "All");
    text = ReReplace(text, "&##060;", "&lt;", "All");
    text = ReReplace(text, "&##062;", "&gt;", "All");

    // supply missing semicolon at the end of &amp; &quot;
    text = ReReplace(text, "&amp(^;)", "&amp;\1", "All");
    text = ReReplace(text, "&quot(^;)", "&quot;\1", "All");

    return text;


Latest Additions

Raymond Camden added
November 04, 2017

Leigh added
May 11, 2016

Raymond Camden added
May 10, 2016

Kevin Cotton added
May 05, 2016

Raymond Camden added
April 25, 2016

Created by Raymond Camden / Design by Justin Johnson