– Common Function Library Project

findList(valueList, stringtocompare[, start][, delim])

Last updated September 15, 2008


Charlie Arehart

Version: 0 | Requires: CF6 | Library: StrLib

While ListFind and ListContains look for a string (or subset) within a list, FindList does the opposite, finding if any of several items in a list occur within a string. It returns the location of the first one found. This is great for testing if any of several items appear within a given string.

Return Values:
The position of first found list element in string; or 0, if no list elements are in string.


<cfset testvals=",,">

<cfset teststring="I have in here.">
<cfif findlist(testvals,teststring)>
    Found element from bad list.<br>

<cfset teststring="I have a in here.">
<cfif not findlist(testvals,teststring)>
    Did not find any elements from bad list.<br>

<cfset teststring="I have a in here.">
<cfset findloc = findlist(testvals,teststring)>
<cfif findloc>
    Found element from bad list at position <cfoutput>#findloc# of "#teststring#"</cfoutput>.<br>

<cfset teststring="I have a in here.">
<cfset start=11>
<cfset findloc = findlist(testvals,teststring,start)>
<cfif findloc>
    Found element from bad list at position <cfoutput>#findloc# of "#teststring#"</cfoutput>.<br>
    Did not find element from bad list in <cfoutput>"#teststring#" starting at position #start#</cfoutput>.<br>

<cfset teststring="I have a in here.">
<cfset start=10>
<cfset findloc = findlist(testvals,teststring,start)>
<cfif findloc>
    Found element from bad list at position <cfoutput>#findloc# of "#teststring#"</cfoutput>.<br>
    Did not find element from bad list in <cfoutput>"#teststring#" starting at position #start#</cfoutput>.<br>


Name Description Required
valueList List of values to check for. Yes
stringtocompare String to be searched. Yes
start Optional starting position. Defaults to 1. No
delim List delimiter. Defaults to a comma. No

Full UDF Source:

 Finds within a given string the location of the first occurrence of any element in a list.
 @param valueList      List of values to check for. (Required)
 @param stringtocompare      String to be searched. (Required)
 @param start      Optional starting position. Defaults to 1.  (Optional)
 @param delim      List delimiter. Defaults to a comma. (Optional)
 @return The position of first found list element in string; or 0, if no list elements are in string. 
 @author Charlie Arehart ( 
 @version 0, September 15, 2008 
<cffunction name="findList" returnType="numeric" output="false">
    <cfargument name="valuelist" required="Yes" type="string">
    <cfargument name="stringtocompare" required="Yes" type="string">
    <cfargument name="start" required="No" type="numeric" default="0">
    <cfargument name="delim" required="no" type="string" default=",">
    <cfset var test=arrayNew(1)>
    <cfset var x = "">

    <cfloop list="#arguments.valuelist#" index="x" delimiters="#arguments.delim#">
        <cfset ArrayAppend(test,findnocase(x,arguments.stringtocompare, arguments.start)) />

    <cfreturn arrayMin(test) />


Latest Additions

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November 04, 2017

Leigh added
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Kevin Cotton added
May 05, 2016

Raymond Camden added
April 25, 2016

Created by Raymond Camden / Design by Justin Johnson