– Common Function Library Project

getTagContentAll(tag, str)

Last updated October 24, 2008


Todd Sharp

Version: 1 | Requires: CF5 | Library: StrLib

Based on getTagContent, this UDF will extract all occurrences of a given tag pair from a string (getTagContent only returns a single occurrence of the tag) and return the individual occurrences as elements in an array. If the tag is not found the UDF will return an empty array.

Return Values:
Returns an array.


<cfhttp method="get" url="" resolveurl="yes">
<cfset importedContent = cfhttp.fileContent>

<cfdump var="#getTagContentAll("code",importedContent)#">


Name Description Required
tag Tag to look for. Do not include brackets. Yes
str String to parse. Yes

Full UDF Source:

 * Extract all occurrences of a given tag pair from a string.
 * @param tag      Tag to look for. Do not include brackets. (Required)
 * @param str      String to parse. (Required)
 * @return Returns an array. 
 * @author Todd Sharp ( 
 * @version 1, October 24, 2008 
function getTagContentAll(tag,str) {
    var matchStruct = structNew();
    var matchPos = "";
    var matchLen = "";
    var startTag = "<#lcase(tag)#";
    var endTag = "</#tag#>";
    var endTagStart = 0;
    var firstOcc = REFindNoCase(startTag,str,1,true);
    var returnArray = ArrayNew(1);

    //check the char following the tag - if it closes the tag then set the startTag accordingly
    if(mid(str, firstOcc.pos[1]+len(startTag),1) eq ">") {
        startTag = "<#tag#>";
    } else {
    //there are attributes so the RE should accommodate
    //include a space following the tag name so that searching
    //for 'b' does not find 'b' and 'body', etc
    startTag = "<#tag# [^>]*>";

    matchStruct = REFindNoCase(startTag,str,1,"true");
    matchPos = matchStruct.pos [1];
    matchLen = matchStruct.len[1];
    if(matchLen eq 0) return returnArray;
    endTagStart = REFindNoCase(endTag,str,matchPos,"false");
    //if no end tag exists return out
    if(endTagStart eq 0) return returnArray;


    while (matchLen neq 0) {
        matchStruct = REFindNoCase(startTag,str,matchPos+matchLen,"true");
        matchPos = matchStruct.pos [1];
        matchLen = matchStruct.len[1];
        if(matchLen eq 0) return returnArray;
        endTagStart = REFindNoCase(endTag,str,matchPos,"false");

    return returnArray;


Latest Additions

Raymond Camden added
November 04, 2017

Leigh added
May 11, 2016

Raymond Camden added
May 10, 2016

Kevin Cotton added
May 05, 2016

Raymond Camden added
April 25, 2016

Created by Raymond Camden / Design by Justin Johnson