– Common Function Library Project

sexagesimalToDecimal(latitude, latitudeRef, longitude, longitudeRef)

Last updated December 20, 2012


John Allen

Version: 1 | Requires: CF9 | Library: UtilityLib

Say you have a .jpg file and it has EXIF data with its location information. Sometimes the EXIF location information is in sexagesimal format which is hard to use in popular mapping libraries. This code puts the information into the more "normal" decimal lat/lng format. Ben Nadel was the inspiration for this, see:

Return Values:
A struct with keys longitude and latitude


<cfimage action="read" source="c:\foo.jpg" name="img">
<cfset exifTags = ImageGetEXIFMetaData(img)>

<cfset coordinates = sexagesimalToDecimal(
    exifTags["GPS Latitude"],
    exifTags["GPS Latitude Ref"],
    exifTags["GPS Longitude"],
    exifTags[ "GPS Longitude Ref" ]
<cfdump var="#coordinates#">


Name Description Required
latitude Latitude in degrees/min/sec, using " and ' delimiters Yes
latitudeRef N or S Yes
longitude Longitude in degrees/min/sec, using " and ' delimiters Yes
longitudeRef E or W Yes

Full UDF Source:

 * Changes a sexagesimal latitude longitude co-ordinates to decimal format
 * v0.9 by John Allen
 * v1.0 by Adam Cameron (converted to script, changed return value to be a struct rather than a specially-formatted string)
 * @param latitude      Latitude in degrees/min/sec, using " and ' delimiters (Required)
 * @param latitudeRef      N or S (Required)
 * @param longitude      Longitude in degrees/min/sec, using " and ' delimiters (Required)
 * @param longitudeRef      E or W (Required)
 * @return A struct with keys longitude and latitude 
 * @author John Allen ( 
 * @version 1.0, December 20, 2012 
function sexagesimalToDecimal(latitude, latitudeRef, longitude, longitudeRef){
    var coordinates = {};
    var latitudeParts = listToArray(arguments.latitude, "'""");
    coordinates.latitude = (
        latitudeParts[1] +
        (latitudeParts[2] / 60) +
        (latitudeParts[3] / 3600)
    if (arguments.latitudeRef == "S"){
        coordinates.latitude *= -1;

    var longitudeParts = listToArray(arguments.longitude,"'""");
    coordinates.longitude = (
        longitudeParts[1] +
        (longitudeParts[2] / 60) +
        (longitudeParts[3] / 3600)
    if (arguments.longitudeRef == "W"){
        coordinates.longitude *= -1;
    return coordinates;


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Created by Raymond Camden / Design by Justin Johnson