– Common Function Library Project

validateXMLFile(xmlUrl[, throwOnError][, fileLocktimeout])

Last updated February 19, 2004


Massimo Foti

Version: 1 | Requires: CF6 | Library: DataManipulationLib

Validate an XML file against a DTD.

Return Values:
Returns a boolean.


Please see the example at:


Name Description Required
xmlUrl File location of the XML document. Yes
throwOnError Determines if the UDF should throw an error if the XML file doesn't validate. Defaults to false. No
fileLocktimeout Specifies how long CF should wait to obtain a lock on the file. Defaults to 5. No

Full UDF Source:

 Validate an XML file against a DTD.
 @param xmlUrl      File location of the XML document. (Required)
 @param throwOnError      Determines if the UDF should throw an error if the XML file doesn't validate. Defaults to false. (Optional)
 @param fileLocktimeout      Specifies how long CF should wait to obtain a lock on the file. Defaults to 5. (Optional)
 @return Returns a boolean. 
 @author Massimo Foti ( 
 @version 1, February 18, 2004 
<cffunction name="validateXMLFile" output="false" returntype="boolean" hint="Validate an XML file against a DTD">
    <cfargument name="xmlUrl" type="string" required="true" hint="XML document url">
    <cfargument name="throwerror" type="boolean" required="false" default="false" hint="Throw an exception if the document isn't valid">
    <cfargument name="fileLockTimeout" type="numeric" required="false" default="5" hint="Specifies the maximum amount of time, to wait to obtain a lock on the file">
    <cfset var isValid=true>
    <cfset var saxFactory="">
    <cfset var xmlReader="">
    <cfset var eHandler="">
    <!--- Better to be sure the file exist --->
    <cfif NOT FileExists(arguments.xmlUrl)>
        <cfthrow message="validateXMLFile: #arguments.xmlUrl# doesn't exist" type="validateXMLFile">
        //Call the SAX parser factory
        saxFactory = CreateObject("java","javax.xml.parsers.SAXParserFactory").newInstance();
        //Creates a SAX parser and get the XML Reader
        xmlReader = saxFactory.newSAXParser().getXMLReader();
        //Turn on validation
        //Create an error handler
        eHandler = CreateObject("java","org.apache.xml.utils.DefaultErrorHandler").init();
        //Assign the error handler
        <!--- Throw an exception in case any Java initialization failed --->
        <cfcatch type="Object">
            <cfthrow message="validateXMLFile: failed to initialize Java objects" type="validateXMLFile">
        Since we are reading the file, we better lock it.
        Safer thing to do is to use the file's url as name for the lock
        <cflock name="#arguments.xmlUrl#" timeout="#arguments.fileLockTimeout#" throwontimeout="yes" type="readonly">
            <cfset xmlReader.parse(arguments.xmlUrl)>
        <!--- Catch SAX's exception and set the flag --->
    <cfcatch type="org.xml.sax.SAXParseException">
        <!--- The SAX parser failed to validate the document --->
        <cfset isValid=false>
        <cfif arguments.throwerror>
            <!--- Throw an exception with the error message if required    --->
            <cfthrow message="validateXMLFile: Failed to validate the document, #cfcatch.Message#" type="validateXMLFile">
    <!--- Return the boolean --->
    <cfreturn isValid>


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