– Common Function Library Project

CreatePIN(chars[, type][, format])

Last updated May 14, 2002


Sierra Bufe

Version: 1 | Requires: CF5 | Library: StrLib

Creates a random PIN from alphabetical, numeric, or alphanumeric characters. Supports upper, lower, and mixed cases. Validates prescence of both letters and numbers in alphanumeric PINs at least 2 characters long.

Return Values:
Returns a string.


    createPIN(25,"n"):    #createPIN(25,"n","l")#<br>
    createPIN(25,"a","l"):    #createPIN(25,"a","l")#<br>
    createPIN(25,"a","u"):    #createPIN(25,"a","u")#<br>
    createPIN(25,"a","m"):    #createPIN(25,"a","m")#<br>
    createPIN(25,"m","l"):    #createPIN(25,"m","l")#<br>
    createPIN(25,"m","u"):    #createPIN(25,"m","u")#<br>
    createPIN(25,"m","m"):    #createPIN(25,"m","m")#<br>
    createPIN(50,"alphanumeric","mixed"):    #createPIN(50,"alphanumeric","mixed")#<br>
    createPIN(50,"alpha","lower"):    #createPIN(50,"alpha","lower")#<br>
    createPin(10):    #createPin(10)#<br>
    createPin(2):    #createPin(2)#<br>


Name Description Required
chars Number of characters to return. Yes
type Type of PIN to create. Types are: n (numeric), a (alphabetical), m (mixed, or alphanumeric). Default is m. No
format Case of PIN. Options are: u (uppercase), l (lowercase), m (mixed). Default is m. No

Full UDF Source:

 * Flexible PIN generator, supporting alphabetical, numeric, and alphanumeric types, upper, lower, and mixed cases, and validating prescence of letters and numbers in alphanumeric PINs at least 2 characters long.
 * @param chars      Number of characters to return. (Required)
 * @param type      Type of PIN to create. Types are: n (numeric), a (alphabetical), m (mixed, or alphanumeric). Default is m. (Optional)
 * @param format      Case of PIN. Options are: u (uppercase), l (lowercase), m (mixed). Default is m. (Optional)
 * @return Returns a string. 
 * @author Sierra Bufe ( 
 * @version 1, May 14, 2002 
function createPIN(chars){
    var type    = "m";
    var format  = "m";
    var PIN     = "";
    var isValid = false;
    var i       = 0;
    var j       = 0;
    var r        = 0;
    // Check to see if type was provided.  If not, default to "m" (mixed, or alphanumeric).
    if (ArrayLen(Arguments) GT 1) {
        type = Arguments[2];
        if (type is "alphanumeric")
            type = "m";
        type = left(type,1);
        if ("a,n,m" does not contain type)
            return "Invalid type argument.  Valid types are:  alpha, numeric, alphanumeric, mixed, a, n, m.  This argument is optional, and defaults to alphanumeric";
    // Check to see if format was provided.  If not, default to "m" (mixed upper and lower).
    if (ArrayLen(Arguments) GT 2) {
        format = Arguments[3];
        format = left(format,1);
        if ("u,l,m" does not contain format)
            return "Invalid format argument.  Valid formats are:  upper, lower, mixed, u, l, m.";
    // if type is alphanumeric, set j to 10 to allow for numbers in the RandRange
    if (type is "m")
        j = 10;
    while (not isValid) {
        PIN = "";
        // loop through each character of the PIN
        for (i = 1; i LTE chars; i = i+1) {
            // numeric type
            if (type is "n") {
                r = RandRange(0,9) + 48;
            // lowercase format
            } else if (format is "l") {
                r = RandRange(97,122 + j);
                if (r GTE 123)
                    r = r - 123 + 48;
            // uppercase format
            } else if (format is "u") {
                r = RandRange(65,90 + j);
                if (r GTE 91)
                    r = r - 91 + 48;
            // upper and lower cases mixed
            } else if (format is "m") {
                r = RandRange(65,116 + j);
                if (r GTE 117)
                    r = r - 117 + 48;
                else if (r GTE 91)
                    r = r + 6;
            PIN = PIN & Chr(r);
        // verfify that alphanumeric strings contain both letters and numbers
        if (type is "m" AND chars GTE 2) {
            if (REFind("[A-Z,a-z]+",PIN) AND REFind("[0-9]+",PIN))
                isValid = true;
        } else {
            isValid = true;
    return PIN;


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Created by Raymond Camden / Design by Justin Johnson