– Common Function Library Project

GCD(int1, int2[, showWork])

Last updated November 08, 2001


Shakti Shrivastava

Version: 1 | Requires: CF5 | Library: MathLib

Calculates the GCD (greatest common factor [divisor]) of two positive integers using the Euclidean Algorithm. Optionally displays all of the steps in the calculation.

Return Values:
Returns a numeric value. Optionally outputs a string.


<CFSET x=13>
<CFSET y=130>

G.C.D. = #GCD(x,y,"yes")#


Name Description Required
int1 Positive integer. Yes
int2 Positive integer. Yes
showWork Boolean. Yes or No. Specifies whether to display work. Default is No. No

Full UDF Source:

 * Calculates the GCD (greatest common factor [divisor]) of two positive integers using the Euclidean Algorithm.
 * @param int1      Positive integer. 
 * @param int2      Positive integer. 
 * @param showWork      Boolean.  Yes or No.  Specifies whether to display work.  Default is No. 
 * @return Returns a numeric value.  Optionally outputs a string. 
 * @author Shakti Shrivastava ( 
 * @version 1, November 8, 2001 
function GCD(int1, int2)
  Var ShowWork=False;
  If (ArrayLen(Arguments) eq 3 AND Arguments[3] eq "yes"){
  // if both numbers are 0 return undefined
  if (int1 eq 0 and int2 eq 0) return 'Undefined';

  // if both numbers are equal or either one of them is equal to 0 
  // then return any 1 of those numbers appropriately
  if (int1 eq int2 or int2 eq 0) return int1;
  if (int1 eq 0) return int2;

  // if int2 divides int1 "properly" then we have reached our final 
  //   step. So we output the last step and exit the function.
  if (int1 mod int2 eq 0) {
    if(ShowWork EQ True) {
      WriteOutput("<br>"&int1&"= "&fix(int1/int2)&" X "&int2&" + "&int1 mod int2); 
    // this line outputs the last iteration
    if (ShowWork EQ True) {
      return "<p>GCD = "&int2; //print the GCD
      return int2;

  // if int2 does not divides int1 "properly" then we recurse using
  // int1 equal to int2 and int2 equal to int1 mod int2
  else {
    if(ShowWork EQ True)
      // this line outputs calculations from each iteration. you can safely
      // delete/comment out this line if you dont need to display the steps.
      WriteOutput("<br>"&int1&"= "&fix(int1/int2)&" X "&int2&" + "&int1 mod int2); 
  //since we still have not reached the last step we recall the function         
  GCD(int2, int1 mod int2, ShowWork);


Latest Additions

Raymond Camden added
November 04, 2017

Leigh added
May 11, 2016

Raymond Camden added
May 10, 2016

Kevin Cotton added
May 05, 2016

Raymond Camden added
April 25, 2016

Created by Raymond Camden / Design by Justin Johnson