– Common Function Library Project


Last updated August 23, 2002


Shawn Seley

Version: 2 | Requires: CF5 | Library: StrLib

Returns the host (domain name or IP address) for the supplied URL. If no host is found, then returns an empty string. Works with any protocol that follows a "host.TLD" syntax including http, ftp, telnet and others. Note, the abbreviated URL "" by itself would be considered a file name (see GetFileFromURL) since this function only analyzes syntax and does not take into account specific TLDs or file extensions. However "", "", "", "" and "" by themselves would all be correctly extracted as hosts.

Return Values:
Returns a string.




Name Description Required
this_url URL to parse. Yes

Full UDF Source:

 * Returns the host from a specified URL.
 * RE fix for MX, thanks to Tom Lane
 * @param this_url      URL to parse. (Required)
 * @return Returns a string. 
 * @author Shawn Seley ( 
 * @version 2, August 23, 2002 
function GetHostFromURL(this_url) {
    var first_char       = "";
    var re_found_struct  = "";
    var num_expressions  = 0;
    var num_dots         = 0;
    var this_host        = "";
    this_url = trim(this_url);
    first_char = Left(this_url, 1);
    if (Find(first_char, "./")) {
        return "";   // relative URL = no host   (ex: "../dir1/filename.html" or "/dir1/filename.html")
    } else if(Find("://", this_url)){
        // absolute URL    (ex: "")
        re_found_struct = REFind("[^@]*@([^/:\?##]+)|([^/:\?##]+)", this_url, Find("://", this_url)+3, "True");
    } else {
        // abbreviated URL (ex: "")
        re_found_struct = REFind("[^@]*@([^/:\?##]+)|([^/:\?##]+)", this_url, 1, "True");
    if (re_found_struct.pos[1] GT 0) {
        num_expressions = ArrayLen(re_found_struct.pos);
                if(re_found_struct.pos[num_expressions] is 0) num_expressions = num_expressions - 1;
        this_host = Mid(this_url, re_found_struct.pos[num_expressions], re_found_struct.len[num_expressions]);
        num_dots = (Len(this_host) - Len(Replace(this_host, ".", "", "ALL")));;
        if ((not FindOneOf("/@:", this_url)) and (num_dots LT 2)){
            // since this URL doesn't contain any "/" or "@" or ":" characters and since the "host" has fewer than two dots (".")
            // then it is probably actually a file name
            return ""; 
        return this_host;
    } else {
        return "";


Latest Additions

Raymond Camden added
November 04, 2017

Leigh added
May 11, 2016

Raymond Camden added
May 10, 2016

Kevin Cotton added
May 05, 2016

Raymond Camden added
April 25, 2016

Created by Raymond Camden / Design by Justin Johnson