– Common Function Library Project


Last updated October 22, 2012


James Edmunds

Version: 2 | Requires: CF5 | Library: DateLib

Takes a text string of an ISO date and converts it to a datetime object. This is useful when parsing an RDF or RSS feed that uses Dublin Core or otherwise uses ISO formatted dates. Strips the date time down to the hour and minute, omitting seconds (as some feeds do not use seconds). Please note that the tiem zone is ignored.

Return Values:
Returns a datetime


<cfset s = "1994-11-05T08:15:30Z">
s: #s#<br />
ISODateToTS(): #ISODateToTS(s)#
<hr />
<cfset s = "1994-11-05T08:15:30+05:00">
s: #s#<br />
ISODateToTS(): #ISODateToTS(s)#
<hr />
<cfset s = "1994-11-05T08:30:30-08:30">
s: #s#<br />
ISODateToTS(): #ISODateToTS(s)#
<hr />
<cfset s = "1994-11-05T08:30:30-08:00">
s: #s#<br />
ISODateToTS(): #ISODateToTS(s)#
<hr />


Name Description Required
str ISO datetime string to parse. Yes

Full UDF Source:

 * Converts text string of ISO Date to datetime object; useful for parsing RSS and RDF.
 * * version 1.0 by James Edmunds
 * * version 2.0 by Adam Reynolds (added support for TZ offsets)
 * * version 2.1 by Adam Cameron (merged James's and AdamR's versions &amp; fixed bug with offsets that had a minute component to them)
 * @param str      ISO datetime string to parse. (Required)
 * @return Returns a datetime 
 * @author James Edmunds ( 
 * @version 2, October 22, 2012 
function ISODateToTS(str) {
    // time formats have 2 ways of showing themselves: 1994-11-05T13:15:30Z UTC format OR 1994-11-05T08:15:30-05:00
    var initialDate        = parseDateTime(REReplace(arguments.str, "(\d{4})-?(\d{2})-?(\d{2})T([\d:]+).*", "\1-\2-\3 \4"));
    var timeModifier    = "";
    var multiplier        = 0;

    // If not in UTC format then we need to offset the time
    if (right(arguments.str, 1) neq "Z") {
        //Now we determine if we are adding or deleting the the time modifier.
        if (arguments.str contains '+' and listlen(listrest(arguments.str, "+"), ":") eq 2){
            timeModifier = listRest(arguments.str,"+");
            multiplier = 1; // Add
        } else if (listlen(listLast(arguments.str,"-"),":") eq 2) {
            timeModifier = listLast(arguments.str,"-");
            multiplier = -1; // Delete
        if (len(timeModifier)){
            initialDate = dateAdd("h", val(listFirst(timeModifier, ":"))*multiplier, initialDate);
            initialDate =  dateAdd("n", val(listLast(timeModifier, ":"))*multiplier, initialDate);
    return initialDate;


Latest Additions

Raymond Camden added
November 04, 2017

Leigh added
May 11, 2016

Raymond Camden added
May 10, 2016

Kevin Cotton added
May 05, 2016

Raymond Camden added
April 25, 2016

Created by Raymond Camden / Design by Justin Johnson