– Common Function Library Project

ListGetAtIncNulls(list, position[, delimiters])

Last updated September 29, 2003


Tom Litt

Version: 1 | Requires: CF5 | Library: StrLib

Will retrieve item in position-th item of list, counting empty-strings are proper list elements.

Return Values:
Returns a string.


<cfset TestList = "1|2|3||5">
List #TestList# has the following elements.<br>
<cfloop from="1" to="#ListLenIncNulls(TestList,'|')#" index="element">
Element #element#: "#ListGetAtIncNulls(TestList,element,'|')#"<br>


Name Description Required
list List to parse. Yes
position Position to retrieve. Yes
delimiters List delimiters. Only one character allow. Defaults to a comma. No

Full UDF Source:

 * Get specific list element of list where empty strings are counted as elements.
 * @param list      List to parse. (Required)
 * @param position      Position to retrieve. (Required)
 * @param delimiters      List delimiters. Only one character allow. Defaults to a comma. (Optional)
 * @return Returns a string. 
 * @author Tom Litt ( 
 * @version 1, September 29, 2003 
function ListGetAtIncNulls(list,position) {
    // Set up. Test for third parameter.
    var delimiter = ",";
    var ReturnedString = "";
    var lengthOfList = 0;
    var LenOfReturned = 0;
    var FirstDelimPosition = 0;
    var PreDelimPlace = 0;
    var PostDelimPlace = 0;
    var loop = 0;
    if(ArrayLen(Arguments) GT 2) delimiter = left(arguments[3],1);

    position = Val(position);
    // We need to know the number of elements in our list [including nulls!]
    lengthOfList = val(len(list) - len(replace(list,delimiter,"","ALL")) + 1);
    // We will have various chunks of different condition logic, depending on 
    // List length, and where in the list we are requesting. There is some overlap
    // possible (e.g. in a list of length 1) so we are using IsReturnSetYet, to 
    // avoid running unnecessary code in these cases.

    // List is too short, return ""
    if(lengthOfList lt position) return "";     

    // List has only one element, e.g. no delimiters. Return entire string.
    if(lengthOfList eq 1) return list; 
    if(lengthOfList eq position) {
        // We are returning the last list element
        // This is all the characters to the right of the last delimiter
        lenOfReturned = find(delimiter,reverse(list)) - 1;
        // If the last character is not a delimiter, we have something to return
        if(lenOfReturned) return right(list,LenOfReturned);
        // If the last character is a delimiter, the last string is ""
        else return "";
    if(position eq 1) {
        // We can snoop out the first element as quickly as we did with the last
        FirstDelimPosition = find(delimiter,list);
        if(FirstDelimPosition GT 1) return left(list,FirstDelimPosition-1);
        // First character is a delimiter, so first element is the empty string
        else return "";

    // We are returning a middle list element
    // The nth list element is sandwiched between the n-1th 
    // delimiter and the nth delimiter.
    // First we must find where those delimiters are...
    // We will call them 'predelim' and 'postdelim'                
    if(lengthOfList gt position) {
        // If position is 1, this loop will not be looped over
        for(loop=1;loop lte position-1;loop=loop+1) { PreDelimPlace = Find(delimiter,list,PreDelimPlace+1); }
        PostDelimPlace= Find(delimiter,list,PreDelimPlace+1);
        // As a result of previous if statements it should not be possible 
        // for PreDelimPlace and PostDelimPlace to be either 0 or Len(list).
        // But they could be next to each other.
        if(PostDelimPlace-PreDelimPlace EQ 1) return "";
        else return mid(list,PreDelimPlace+1,PostDelimPlace-PreDelimPlace-1);


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Created by Raymond Camden / Design by Justin Johnson