– Common Function Library Project

RandomColorClose(color, closeness)

Last updated June 12, 2003



Version: 1 | Requires: CF5 | Library: UtilityLib

Returns a random color close to your given color. You give it the starting color and the range of how close you want it, and it will return a variation on that color. I recommend a closeness of 10 to 50 to make it different enough, but not too much.

Return Values:
Returns a RGB color in the form of a string.


<table border=1 cellpadding=1 cellspacing=0>
<cfset CurrentColor = "ABE32B">
<cfloop from="1" to="50" index="i">
<cfset CurrentColor = RandomColorClose(CurrentColor,25)>
    <td bgcolor="#CurrentColor#">&nbsp;</td>


Name Description Required
color RGB color, minus the Yes
closeness How close the random color should be to the original. Yes

Full UDF Source:

 * Returns a random color close to your given color.
 * @param color      RGB color, minus the #. (Required)
 * @param closeness      How close the random color should be to the original. (Required)
 * @return Returns a RGB color in the form of a string. 
 * @author nathan ( 
 * @version 1, June 12, 2003 
function randomColorClose(color,closeness) {
    var redColor = "";
    var greenColor = "";
    var blueColor = "";

    redColor = InputBaseN(Mid(color,1,2),16);
    greenColor = InputBaseN(Mid(color,3,2),16);
    blueColor = InputBaseN(Mid(color,5,2),16);

    // randomize and format back to base 16. min and max functions ensure characters don't leave base 16 size.
    redColor = FormatBaseN(Min(255,Max(0,RandRange(redColor-closeness,redColor+closeness))),16);
    greenColor = FormatBaseN(Min(255,Max(0,RandRange(greenColor-closeness,greenColor+closeness))),16);
    blueColor = FormatBaseN(Min(255,Max(0,RandRange(blueColor-closeness,blueColor+closeness))),16);

    // fix formatting
    if(len(redColor) is 1) redColor = "0" & redColor;
    if(len(greenColor) is 1) greenColor = "0" & greenColor;
    if(len(blueColor) is 1) blueColor = "0" & blueColor;

    return "##" & redColor & greenColor & blueColor;


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November 04, 2017

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April 25, 2016

Created by Raymond Camden / Design by Justin Johnson