Last updated August 12, 2002
Version: 2 | Requires: CF5 | Library: DataManipulationLib
This Page contains a function to take Macromedia's XML Resource feed and put it into ColdFusion variables.
It will turn it into an array of structures. The structure will be in this format:
structure.Type ( Type )
structure.Title ( The title )
structure.Author ( The author )
structure.URL ( The URL )
structure.Products ( An Array of Products )
Data Type Definition:
XML Feed:
Return Values:
Returns an array of structures.
<cfhttp url="" method="GET">
<cfset variables.ResourceFeed = TranslateMacromediaResourceFeed(cfhttp.FileContent)>
<cfdump var="#variables.ResourceFeed#">
Name | Description | Required |
s | variable containing the contents of the Macromedia XML feed. Usually CFHTTP.FileContent | Yes |
Full UDF Source:
* Function to translate Macromedia's XML Resource Feed into ColdFusion variables.
* @param s variable containing the contents of the Macromedia XML feed. Usually CFHTTP.FileContent (Required)
* @return Returns an array of structures.
* @author Jeffry Houser (
* @version 2, August 12, 2002
function TranslateMacromediaResourceFeed(S) {
// the current token we are looking at
var Token = GetToken(S,1,"<>");
// LoopControl needs to be initialized
var LoopControl = 1;
// Initialize the Current Query Row
var RowNumber = 1;
// the number of the next token we are looking at
var NextToken = 2;
var ResourceStruct = StructNew();
// Initialize Return Query
var ResultQuery = QueryNew("Type, Title, Author, URL, ProductName");
// loop until we are out of tokens
while(Token is not "/macromedia_resources"){
case "resourc":{
// if we are getting a resource token, we want to:
// create a new blank structure
// and define the structure's type
// define new structure
ResourceStruct = StructNew();
// add the type of entry to the structure
StructInsert(ResourceStruct, "Type", GetToken(Token, 2, """"));
// increment next token
NextToken = NextToken + 1;
} // end resource case
case "/resour":{
// if we are getting a /resource token, we want to:
// Create a new row in the query for each product
// Assuming the structure isn't empty
// copy existing structure into result array
if (not StructIsEmpty(ResourceStruct)){
for (LoopControl = 1 ;
LoopControl LTE ArrayLen(ResourceStruct.Products) ;
LoopControl = LoopControl+1){
// add a new row to the query
RowNumber = QueryAddRow(ResultQuery);
// populate Query
QuerySetCell(ResultQuery, "Type", ResourceStruct.Type, RowNumber);
QuerySetCell(ResultQuery, "Title", ResourceStruct.Title, RowNumber);
QuerySetCell(ResultQuery, "Author", ResourceStruct.Author, RowNumber);
QuerySetCell(ResultQuery, "URL", ResourceStruct.URL, RowNumber);
QuerySetCell(ResultQuery, "ProductName", ResourceStruct.Products[LoopControl], RowNumber);
// increment next token
NextToken = NextToken + 1;
} // end resource case
case "title":{
// if we are getting the title token, then we want to:
// add the next token to our structure, because that will be our title text
// increment the 'nexttoken' variable two increments past the end title token
// add the title to the structure
StructInsert(ResourceStruct, "Title", GetToken(S, NextToken+1, "<>"));
// increment next token
NextToken = NextToken + 2;
} // end title case
case "author":{
// if we are getting the author token, then we want to:
// add the next token to our structure, because that will be our author text
// increment the 'nexttoken' variable two increments past the end Author token
// add the title to the structure
StructInsert(ResourceStruct, "Author", GetToken(S, NextToken+1, "<>"));
// increment next token
NextToken = NextToken + 2;
} // end author case
case "url":{
// if we are getting the url token, then we want to:
// add the next token to our structure, because that will be our url text
// increment the 'nexttoken' variable two increments past the end url token
// add the title to the structure
StructInsert(ResourceStruct, "URL", GetToken(S, NextToken+1, "<>"));
// increment next token
NextToken = NextToken + 2;
} // end url case
case "product":{
// if the case is a product, we want to:
// Pick out the name from the token and add it to our product array
// increment the nexttoken variable once
// if product array doesn't exist, create it
if (not IsDefined("ResourceStruct.Products")){
StructInsert(ResourceStruct, "Products", ArrayNew(1));
// add product name to array
ArrayAppend(ResourceStruct.Products,GetToken(Token, 2, """"));
// increment next token
NextToken = NextToken + 1;
} // end product case
// case "/title","/author","/url"
// these cases or anything else not defined, we just ignore, but we still wanna get the
// next token
default: {
Token = GetToken(S,NextToken,"<>");
NextToken = NextToken + 1;
} // end default case
} // end switch
Token = GetToken(S,NextToken,"<>");
} // end while
return (ResultQuery);
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