calculateArrivalDate([orderDate][, cutOffTime][, businessDays][, arrivalDays][, shippingLength][, holidayDays])
Last updated November 19, 2015
Version: 1 | Requires: CF10 | Library: DateLib
Calculate arrival date for a package, taking into account working days and publid holidays.
Return Values:
Returns a struct.
Variables.ShippingExamples.ShipOverChristmas = calculateArrivalDate(
orderDate = CreateDateTime(2015,12,24,16,0,0)
, cutOffTime = CreateTime(15, 0, 0)
, businessDays = '2,3,4,5,6'
, arrivalDays = '2,3,4,5,6'
, shippingLength = 2
, holidayDays = '1,359,360'
Variables.ShippingExamples.DeliverOnSaturday = calculateArrivalDate(
orderDate = CreateDateTime(2015,08,17,12,0,0)
, cutOffTime = CreateTime(15, 0, 0)
, businessDays = '2,3,4,5,6'
, arrivalDays = '7'
, shippingLength = 1
, holidayDays = '1,359,360'
Variables.ShippingExamples.NextDayBeforeCutOff = calculateArrivalDate(
orderDate = CreateDateTime(2015,08,20,12,0,0)
, cutOffTime = CreateTime(15, 0, 0)
, businessDays = '2,3,4,5,6'
, arrivalDays = '2,3,4,5,6'
, shippingLength = 1
, holidayDays = '1,359,360'
Variables.ShippingExamples.NextDayAfterCutOff = calculateArrivalDate(
orderDate = CreateDateTime(2015,08,20,16,0,0)
, cutOffTime = CreateTime(15, 0, 0)
, businessDays = '2,3,4,5,6'
, arrivalDays = '2,3,4,5,6'
, shippingLength = 1
, holidayDays = '1,359,360'
Name | Description | Required |
orderDate | Date shipment is hoped to take place - i.e. the date an order is made. Defaults to now. | No |
cutOffTime | Cut off time for a shipment to occurr on the same day. Defaults to 3PM. | No |
businessDays | Days of the week (1 = Sunday) that may be considered a business day in this context. Defaults to 2,3,4,5,6. | No |
arrivalDays | Days of the week (1 = Sunday) that a package may be delivered in this context. Defaults to 2,3,4,5,6. | No |
shippingLength | Amount of time in days, expected for shipping to take. Defaults to 2. | No |
holidayDays | Ordinal days of the year on which holidays fall - list of numeric days. Defaults to 1,359,360. | No |
Full UDF Source:
* Calculate arrival date for a package.
* @param cutOffTime Cut off time for a shipment to occurr on the same day
* @param businessDays Days of the week (1 = Sunday) that may be considered a business day in this context
* @param arrivalDays Days of the week (1 = Sunday) that a package may be delivered in this context
* @param shippingLength Amount of time in days, expected for shipping to take
* @param holidayDays Ordinal days of the year on which holidays fall - list of numeric days
* @return Returns a struct.
* @author Gary Stanton (
* @version 1, November 19, 2015
<cffunction name="calculateArrivalDate" access="public" returnType="struct" output="false" hint="Returns information about the arrival of a shipment based on a shipping date and shipping length">
<cfargument name="OrderDate" type="date" default="#Now()#" hint="Date shipment is hoped to take place - i.e. the date an order is made" />
<cfargument name="cutOffTime" type="string" default="#CreateTime(15, 0, 0)#" hint="Cut off time for a shipment to occurr on the same day" />
<cfargument name="businessDays" type="string" default="2,3,4,5,6" hint="Days of the week (1 = Sunday) that may be considered a business day in this context" />
<cfargument name="arrivalDays" type="string" default="2,3,4,5,6" hint="Days of the week (1 = Sunday) that a package may be delivered in this context" />
<cfargument name="shippingLength" type="string" default="2" hint="Amount of time in days, expected for shipping to take" />
<cfargument name="holidayDays" type="string" default="1,359,360" hint="Ordinal days of the year on which holidays fall - list of numeric days" />
var ThisShippingDate = Arguments.OrderDate;
var ThisArrivalDate = Arguments.OrderDate;
// If the current ship date is past the cut off time, increment to the next day
if (DatePart('h', ThisShippingDate) GT hour(Arguments.cutOffTime) OR (DatePart('h', ThisShippingDate) EQ hour(Arguments.cutOffTime) AND DatePart('n', ThisShippingDate) GTE minute(Arguments.cutOffTime))) {
ThisShippingDate = CreateDateTime(Year(ThisShippingDate), Month(ThisShippingDate), Day(DateAdd('d', 1, ThisShippingDate)), 09, 00, 00);
// Check to see if the ship date is valid (business day and does not fall on a holiday)
while (ListFind(Arguments.businessDays, dayOfWeek(ThisShippingDate)) EQ 0 OR ListFind(Arguments.holidayDays, dayOfYear(ThisShippingDate))) {
ThisShippingDate = dateAdd("d", 1, ThisShippingDate);
// Set arrival date
ThisArrivalDate = ThisShippingDate;
// Calculate the arrival date by incrementing the days by the shipping length, checking for non valid days as above
for (i=1; i LTE Arguments.shippingLength; i=i+1) {
// Increment arrival date
ThisArrivalDate = dateAdd("d", 1, ThisArrivalDate);
// Check to see if the arrival date is valid (arrival day and does not fall on a holiday)
while (ListFind(Arguments.arrivalDays, dayOfWeek(ThisArrivalDate)) EQ 0 OR ListFind(Arguments.holidayDays, dayOfYear(ThisArrivalDate))) {
ThisArrivalDate = dateAdd("d", 1, ThisArrivalDate);
// Remove times for results
ThisShippingDate = CreateDate(Year(ThisShippingDate), Month(ThisShippingDate), Day(ThisShippingDate));
ThisArrivalDate = CreateDate(Year(ThisArrivalDate), Month(ThisArrivalDate), Day(ThisArrivalDate));
return {
OrderDate = Arguments.OrderDate
, ShippingDate = ThisShippingDate
, ArrivalDate = ThisArrivalDate
, ShippingLength = dateDiff('d', ThisShippingDate, ThisArrivalDate)
, DaysFromOrder = dateDiff('d', CreateDate(Year(Arguments.OrderDate), Month(Arguments.OrderDate), Day(Arguments.OrderDate)), ThisArrivalDate)
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