– Common Function Library Project

convertTimeStringToSeconds(timeAsString[, workingHoursPerDay])

Last updated September 29, 2012


Simon Bingham

Version: 1 | Requires: CF9 | Library: DateLib

Takes a time string in "4d 12h 30m" format and converts to seconds. Also, takes an optional working hours per day argument as the function was originally used for timesheets.

Return Values:
An integer number of seconds


  <cfset timeasstring = "4d 12h 30m" />
  <p>Original Time: #timeasstring#</p>
  <p>Converted To Seconds: #convertTimeStringToSeconds( timeasstring )#</p>


Name Description Required
timeAsString String formatted in h/m/s, eg: 4d 12h 30m Yes
workingHoursPerDay Number of hours to consider "a day" No

Full UDF Source:

 * Takes a time string in &quot;4d 12h 30m&quot; format and converts to seconds.
 * v1.0 by Simon Bingham
 * @param timeAsString      String formatted in h/m/s, eg: 4d 12h 30m (Required)
 * @param workingHoursPerDay      Number of hours to consider "a day" (Optional)
 * @return An integer number of seconds 
 * @author Simon Bingham ( 
 * @version 1.0, September 29, 2012 
public numeric function convertTimeStringToSeconds( required string timeAsString, string workingHoursPerDay=24 ){
    // create a struct containing placeholder values for days, hours and minutes
    var timeStruct = { days=0, hours=0, minutes=0 };
    // create a variable to store the return value
    var timeInSeconds = "";
    // check the timeAsString argument has a length
    if( listLen( trim( arguments.timeAsString ), " " ) ){
        // loop through the values in the timeAsString argument
        for ( var i=1; i lte listLen( arguments.timeAsString, " " ); i=i+1 ){
            // if the current value ends in 'd' add the value to the 'days' element of our structure 
            if( right( listGetAt( arguments.timeAsString, i, " " ), 1 ) eq "d" ) {
                timeStruct.days = val( listGetAt( arguments.timeAsString, i, " " ) );
            // if the current value ends in 'h' add the value to the 'hours' element of our structure 
            }else if( right( listGetAt( arguments.timeAsString, i, " " ), 1 ) eq "h" ){
                timeStruct.hours = val( listGetAt( arguments.timeAsString, i, " " ) );
            // if the current value ends in 'm' add the value to the 'minutes' element of our structure 
            }else if( right( listGetAt( arguments.timeAsString, i, " " ), 1 ) eq "m" ){
                timeStruct.minutes = val( listGetAt( arguments.timeAsString, i, " " ) );
        // convert each of the structure elements to seconds and add them
        timeInSeconds = 
        ( timeStruct.days * ( arguments.workingHoursPerDay * 3600 ) )
        + ( timeStruct.hours * 3600 )
        + ( timeStruct.minutes * 60 );
    // return the time in seconds
    return timeInSeconds;


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Created by Raymond Camden / Design by Justin Johnson