– Common Function Library Project

getCurrentFinYear(mask[, date])

Last updated May 26, 2003


Toby Tremayne

Version: 1 | Requires: CF5 | Library: DateLib

Calculates the current financial year and passes it back in the format specified. Pass a format mask to this function using "y1" to denote the first half year and "y2" for the second. For instance to request the financial year returned in the format: "2002/2003" use: getCurrentFinYear("y1/y2");

Return Values:
Returns a string.




Name Description Required
mask Formats result using y1 and y2. Yes
date Date to use. Defaults to now(). No

Full UDF Source:

 * Returns the current two-part financial year in a specified format.
 * @param mask      Formats result using y1 and y2. (Required)
 * @param date      Date to use. Defaults to now(). (Optional)
 * @return Returns a string. 
 * @author Toby Tremayne ( 
 * @version 1, May 26, 2003 
function getCurrentFinYear(mask) {
     var finYear = "";
    var partOne = "";
    var partTwo = "";
    var date = now();

    if(arrayLen(arguments) gte 2) date = arguments[2];
    // if the current month falls in the first 6 months of the year...
    if (month(date) lte 6) {
        // first part is last year
        partOne = year(dateAdd("yyyy", -1, date));
        // second part is this year
        partTwo = year(date);
    } else {
        // first part is this year
        partOne = year(date);
        // second part is next year
        partTwo = year( dateAdd("yyyy", 1, date) );
    // replace mask tokens for return
    finYear = replaceNoCase(mask,"y1",partOne);
    finYear = replaceNoCase(finYear,"y2",partTwo);
    return finYear;


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Created by Raymond Camden / Design by Justin Johnson