– Common Function Library Project

inPolygon([polygonXCoordinates][, polygonYCoordinates][, pointX][, pointY])

Last updated October 22, 2010


John Allen

Version: 1 | Requires: CF6 | Library: MathLib

I check if the passed in pointX and pointY are inside of a the passed in polygon coordinates.

Return Values:
Returns a boolean.


<!--- make a default polygon to check --->
<cfset = "30.464963912963867,29.508148193359375,29.409507751464844,29.626457214355469,30.387109756469727,30.566728591918945,30.464963912963867" />
<cfset polygon.lng = "-93.00372314453125,-92.795021057128906,-91.590370178222656,-91.192977905273438,-90.977210998535156,-91.946044921875,-93.00372314453125" />

<!--- this will hold an array of struct of x,y's: the points to check --->
<cfset pointsToCheck = arrayNew(1)>
<cfset arrayAppend(pointsToCheck, {x = 29.899167, y = -92.068333}) />
<cfset arrayAppend(pointsToCheck, {x = 29.706304, y = -91.459392}) />
<cfset arrayAppend(pointsToCheck, {x = 30.460833, y = -92.530556}) />
<cfset arrayAppend(pointsToCheck, {x = 36.460833, y = -81.530556}) />

<cfloop array="#pointsToCheck#" index="x">
    #inPolygon(, polygon.lng, x.x, x.y)#<br />


Name Description Required
polygonXCoordinates I am a list of X coordinates that make the polygon. I default to an empty string. No
polygonYCoordinates I am a list of Y coordinates that make the polygon. I default to an empty string. No
pointX I am the x coordinate of the point to check. I default to an empty string. No
pointY I am the y coordinate of the point to check. I default to an empty string. No

Full UDF Source:

 I check if a point is inside of a polygon.
 @param polygonXCoordinates      I am a list of X coordinates that make the polygon. I default to an empty string. (Optional)
 @param polygonYCoordinates      I am a list of Y coordinates that make the polygon. I default to an empty string. (Optional)
 @param pointX      I am the x coordinate of the point to check. I default to an empty string. (Optional)
 @param pointY      I am the y coordinate of the point to check.  I default to an empty string. (Optional)
 @return Returns a boolean. 
 @author John Allen ( 
 @version 1, October 22, 2010 
<cffunction name="inPolygon" output="false" returntype="boolean" access="public" 
    displayname="In Polygon" hint="I check if a point is inside of a polygon."
    description="I check if the passed in pointX and pointY are inside of a the passed in polygon coordinates.">
    <cfargument name="polygonXCoordinates" type="any" default=""
        hint="I am a list of X coordinates that make the polygon. I default to an empty string." />
    <cfargument name="polygonYCoordinates" type="any" default=""
        hint="I am alist of Y coordinates that make the polygon. I default to an empty string." />
    <cfargument name="pointX" type="any" default=""
        hint="I am the x coordinate of the point to check. I default to an empty string." />
    <cfargument name="pointY" type="any" default=""
        hint="I am the y coordinate of the point to check.  I default to an empty string." />
    <cfset var polygon = createObject("java", "java.awt.Polygon").init() />
    <cfset var x = 0 />
    <cfif listLen(arguments.polygonXCoordinates) neq listLen(arguments.polygonYCoordinates)>
        <cfthrow message="The lenght of the x and y coordinates lists, used to build the Polygon, are not the same length." />
    <!--- create the polygon object --->
    <cfloop from="1" to="#listLen(arguments.polygonXCoordinates)#" index="x">
        <cfset polygon.addPoint(
                        javaCast('int', listGetAt(arguments.polygonXCoordinates, x)), 
                        javaCast('int', listGetAt(arguments.polygonYCoordinates, x))) />
    <!--- check if the supplied x/y point is in the polygon --->
    <cfreturn polygon.contains(
                        javaCast('int', arguments.pointX), 
                        javaCast('int', arguments.pointY)) />


Latest Additions

Raymond Camden added
November 04, 2017

Leigh added
May 11, 2016

Raymond Camden added
May 10, 2016

Kevin Cotton added
May 05, 2016

Raymond Camden added
April 25, 2016

Created by Raymond Camden / Design by Justin Johnson