– Common Function Library Project

minutesToUtcOffset(minutes[, format][, returnZero])

Last updated January 08, 2015


Mosh Teitelbaum

Version: 1 | Requires: CF10 | Library: DateLib

Converts minutes to UTC Offset in the specified format.

Return Values:
A string indicating the specified minutes in UTC Offset format.


#minutesToUtcOffset(-300)# = -05:00<br />
#minutesToUtcOffset(300, "+hhmm")# = +0500<br />
#minutesToUtcOffset(-300, "+hh")# = -05<br />


Name Description Required
minutes The number of minutes to be converted to UTC Offset format. Yes
format Indicates the UTC Offset format to be used. Options are "+hh:mm" (default), "+hhmm", and "+hh". "+hh" falls back to the default if the converted minutes cannot convert to hours alone. No
returnZero Indicates whether or not anything should be returned for zero minutes (e.g., "+00:00"). Default is false. No

Full UDF Source:

Converts minutes to UTC Offset in the specified format.

@param minutes The number of minutes to be converted to UTC Offset format. (Required)
@param format Indicates the UTC Offset format to be used. Options are "+hh:mm" (default), "+hhmm", and "+hh". "+hh" falls back to the default if the converted minutes cannot convert to hours alone. (Optional)
@param returnZero Indicates whether or not anything should be returned for zero minutes (e.g., "+00:00"). Default is false. (Optional)
@return A string indicating the specified minutes in UTC Offset format.
@author Mosh Teitelbaum (
@version 1.0, 1/8/2015
<cffunction name="minutesToUtcOffset" returntype="string" output="no" description="Converts minutes to UTC Offset in the specified format.">
    <cfargument name="minutes" type="numeric" required="yes" hint="The number of minutes to be converted to UTC Offset format.">
    <cfargument name="format" type="string" required="no" default="+hh:mm" hint="Indicates the UTC Offset format to be used. Options are '+hh:mm' (default), '+hhmm', and '+hh'. '+hh' falls back to the default if the converted minutes cannot convert to hours alone.">
    <cfargument name="returnZero" type="boolean" required="no" default="false" hint="Indicates whether or not anything should be returned for zero minutes (e.g., '+00:00'). Default is false.">

    <!--- Initialize local variables --->
    <cfset var h = fix(arguments.minutes / 60)>        <!--- hours --->
    <cfset var m = abs(arguments.minutes) MOD 60>    <!--- minutes --->
    <cfset var f = arguments.format>                <!--- format --->

    <!--- If zero and not returning zero, return empty string --->
    <cfif (arguments.minutes EQ 0) AND (NOT arguments.returnZero)>
        <cfreturn "">

    <!--- Validate format --->
    <cfif (listFindNoCase("+hh:mm,+hhmm,+hh", arguments.format) EQ 0) OR ( (compareNoCase(arguments.format, "+hh") EQ 0) AND (m NEQ 0) )>
        <cfset f = "+hh:mm">

    <!--- Return formatted string --->
    <cfswitch expression="#f#">
        <cfcase value="+hhmm">
            <cfreturn numberFormat(h, "+09") & numberFormat(m, "09")>

        <cfcase value="+hh">
            <cfreturn numberFormat(h, "+09")>

        <cfcase value="+hh:mm">
            <cfreturn numberFormat(h, "+09") & ":" & numberFormat(m, "09")>


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Created by Raymond Camden / Design by Justin Johnson