– Common Function Library Project


Last updated January 10, 2007


Dan G. Switzer, II

Version: 1 | Requires: CF7 | Library: StrLib

Parses a Url and returns a struct with keys defining the information in the Uri. authority: the authority section of the Uri directory: the directory path in the Uri (w/out parameters) domain: the domain of the Uri file: the file name in the Uri fragment: the fragment of the uri (i.e. #namedAnchor) params.url: the query string params as a struct params.segment: the segment parameters as a struct (i.e. ;JSESSIONID=1234) password: the password supplied in the Uri path: the full Uri path--includes embedded parameters (i.e. ;JSESSIONID=1234) port: the port defined in the Uri query: the query string scheme: the scheme/protocol (i.e. http, https, ftp, etc.) username: the username in the Uri

Return Values:
Returns a struct.




Name Description Required
sURL String to parse. Yes

Full UDF Source:

 * Parses a Url and returns a struct with keys defining the information in the Uri.
 * @param sURL      String to parse. (Required)
 * @return Returns a struct. 
 * @author Dan G. Switzer, II ( 
 * @version 1, January 10, 2007 
function parseUrl(sUrl){
    // var to hold the final structure
    var stUrlInfo = structNew();
    // vars for use in the loop, so we don't have to evaluate lists and arrays more than once
    var i = 1;
    var sKeyPair = "";
    var sKey = "";
    var sValue = "";
    var aQSPairs = "";
    var sPath = "";

         123            4  5          6       7  8        9 A

            scheme    = $3
            authority = $5
            path      = $6
            query     = $8
            fragment  = $10 (A)
    var sUriRegEx = "^(([^:/?##]+):)?(//([^/?##]*))?([^?##]*)(\?([^##]*))?(##(.*))?";
        separates the authority into user info, domain and port

         123       4 5           6       7 8

            username  = $3
            password  = $5
            domain    = $6
            port      = $8
    var sAuthRegEx = "^(([^@:]+)(:([^@]+))?@)?([^:]*)?(:(.*))?";
        separates the path into segments & parameters

        12         3 4

            segment     = $1
            path        = $2
            parameters  = $4
    var sSegRegEx = "(/?[^;/]+)(;([^/]+))?";

    // parse the url looking for info
    var stUriInfo = reFindNoCase(sUriRegEx, sUrl, 1, true);
    // this is for the authority section
    var stAuthInfo = "";
    // this is for the segments in the path
    var stSegInfo = "";

    // create empty keys
    stUrlInfo["scheme"] = "";
    stUrlInfo["authority"] = "";
    stUrlInfo["path"] = "";
    stUrlInfo["directory"] = "";
    stUrlInfo["file"] = "";
    stUrlInfo["query"] = "";
    stUrlInfo["fragment"] = "";
    stUrlInfo["domain"] = "";
    stUrlInfo["port"] = "";
    stUrlInfo["username"] = "";
    stUrlInfo["password"] = "";
    stUrlInfo["params"] = structNew();

    // get the scheme
    if( stUriInfo.len[3] gt 0 ) stUrlInfo["scheme"] = mid(sUrl, stUriInfo.pos[3], stUriInfo.len[3]);
    // get the authority
    if( stUriInfo.len[5] gt 0 ) stUrlInfo["authority"] = mid(sUrl, stUriInfo.pos[5], stUriInfo.len[5]);
    // get the path
    if( stUriInfo.len[6] gt 0 ) stUrlInfo["path"] = mid(sUrl, stUriInfo.pos[6], stUriInfo.len[6]);
    // get the path
    if( stUriInfo.len[8] gt 0 ) stUrlInfo["query"] = mid(sUrl, stUriInfo.pos[8], stUriInfo.len[8]);
    // get the fragment
    if( stUriInfo.len[10] gt 0 ) stUrlInfo["fragment"] = mid(sUrl, stUriInfo.pos[10], stUriInfo.len[10]);

    // break authority into user info, domain and ports
    if( len(stUrlInfo["authority"]) gt 0 ){
        // parse the authority looking for info
        stAuthInfo = reFindNoCase(sAuthRegEx, stUrlInfo["authority"], 1, true);

        // get the domain
        if( stAuthInfo.len[6] gt 0 ) stUrlInfo["domain"] = mid(stUrlInfo["authority"], stAuthInfo.pos[6], stAuthInfo.len[6]);
        // get the port
        if( stAuthInfo.len[8] gt 0 ) stUrlInfo["port"] = mid(stUrlInfo["authority"], stAuthInfo.pos[8], stAuthInfo.len[8]);
        // get the username
        if( stAuthInfo.len[3] gt 0 ) stUrlInfo["username"] = mid(stUrlInfo["authority"], stAuthInfo.pos[3], stAuthInfo.len[3]);
        // get the password
        if( stAuthInfo.len[5] gt 0 ) stUrlInfo["password"] = mid(stUrlInfo["authority"], stAuthInfo.pos[5], stAuthInfo.len[5]);

    // the query string in struct form
    stUrlInfo["params"]["segment"] = structNew();

    // if the path contains any parameters, we need to parse them out
    if( find(";", stUrlInfo["path"]) gt 0 ){
        // this is for the segments in the path
        stSegInfo = reFindNoCase(sSegRegEx, stUrlInfo["path"], 1, true);

        // loop through all the segments and build the strings
        while( stSegInfo.pos[1] gt 0 ){
            // build the path, excluding parameters
            sPath = sPath & mid(stUrlInfo["path"], stSegInfo.pos[2], stSegInfo.len[2]);

            // if there are some parameters in this segment, add them to the struct
            if( stSegInfo.len[4] gt 0 ){

                // put the parameters into an array for easier looping
                aQSPairs = listToArray(mid(stUrlInfo["path"], stSegInfo.pos[4], stSegInfo.len[4]), ";");

                // now, loop over the array and build the struct
                for( i=1; i lte arrayLen(aQSPairs); i=i+1 ){
                    sKeyPair = aQSPairs[i]; // current pair
                    sKey = listFirst(sKeyPair, "="); // current key
                    // make sure there are 2 keys
                    if( listLen(sKeyPair, "=") gt 1){
                        sValue = urlDecode(listLast(sKeyPair, "=")); // current value
                    } else {
                        sValue = ""; // set blank value
                    // check if key already added to struct
                    if( structKeyExists(stUrlInfo["params"]["segment"], sKey) ) stUrlInfo["params"]["segment"][sKey] = listAppend(stUrlInfo["params"]["segment"][sKey], sValue); // add value to list
                    else structInsert(stUrlInfo["params"]["segment"], sKey, sValue); // add new key/value pair

            // get the ending position
            i = stSegInfo.pos[1] + stSegInfo.len[1];

            // get the next segment
            stSegInfo = reFindNoCase(sSegRegEx, stUrlInfo["path"], i, true);

    } else {
        // set the current path
        sPath = stUrlInfo["path"];

    // get the file name
    stUrlInfo["file"] = getFileFromPath(sPath);
    // get the directory path by removing the file name
    if( len(stUrlInfo["file"]) gt 0 ){
        stUrlInfo["directory"] = replace(sPath, stUrlInfo["file"], "", "one");
    } else {
        stUrlInfo["directory"] = sPath;

    // the query string in struct form
    stUrlInfo["params"]["url"] = structNew();

    // if query info was supplied, break it into a struct
    if( len(stUrlInfo["query"]) gt 0 ){
        // put the query string into an array for easier looping
        aQSPairs = listToArray(stUrlInfo["query"], "&");

        // now, loop over the array and build the struct
        for( i=1; i lte arrayLen(aQSPairs); i=i+1 ){
            sKeyPair = aQSPairs[i]; // current pair
            sKey = listFirst(sKeyPair, "="); // current key
            // make sure there are 2 keys
            if( listLen(sKeyPair, "=") gt 1){
                sValue = urlDecode(listLast(sKeyPair, "=")); // current value
            } else {
                sValue = ""; // set blank value
            // check if key already added to struct
            if( structKeyExists(stUrlInfo["params"]["url"], sKey) ) stUrlInfo["params"]["url"][sKey] = listAppend(stUrlInfo["params"]["url"][sKey], sValue); // add value to list
            else structInsert(stUrlInfo["params"]["url"], sKey, sValue); // add new key/value pair

    // return the struct
    return stUrlInfo;


Latest Additions

Raymond Camden added
November 04, 2017

Leigh added
May 11, 2016

Raymond Camden added
May 10, 2016

Kevin Cotton added
May 05, 2016

Raymond Camden added
April 25, 2016

Created by Raymond Camden / Design by Justin Johnson