– Common Function Library Project

queryConvertForjqGrid(q, page, pageSize)

Last updated March 24, 2011


Scott Stroz

Version: 0 | Requires: CF9 | Library: DataManipulationLib

This function works similarly to the native function queryConvertForGrid(). It is used to format query data in a format that is easily used by jqGrid. In order for jqGrid to be able to read/use the data structure, you must specify the following in your jqGrid configuration: jsonReader : { repeatitems: false, id: "{id}}" }, Where {id} is the unique identifier for each row in the query object. If the data contained in a column is a date, it is automatically formatted into yyyy-dd-mm HH:mm:ss format.

Return Values:
Returns a structure with the following keys {page, records, rows[], total}


<cfset myQuery = queryNew("id,score") />
<cfloop from="1" to="100" index="i">
    <cfset queryAddRow(myQuery) />
    <cfset querySetCell(myQuery, "id", i) />
    <cfset querySetCell(myQuery, "score", randRange(50, 200)) />
<cfset pagedresults = queryConvertForjqGrid(myQuery, 2, 15) />
<cfdump var="#pagedresults#">


Name Description Required
q The query to be paginated Yes
page The page number to be returned Yes
pageSize The number of items per page Yes

Full UDF Source:

 * Creates a data structure that can be easily used by jqGrid.
 * @param q      The query to be paginated (Required)
 * @param page      The page number to be returned (Required)
 * @param pageSize      The number of items per page (Required)
 * @return Returns a structure with the following keys {page, records, rows[], total} 
 * @author Scott Stroz ( 
 * @version 0, March 24, 2011 
function queryConvertForjQGrid( q, page, pageSize ){
    NOTE: In order for jqGrid to be able to use the result of this function
    you MUST add this to you jqGrid config:
    jsonReader : {
            repeatitems: false, 
            id: "{id}}"
    Where {id} is the unique identifier for each row in the query object.
    var ret = {};
    var row = {};
    var cols = listToArray( q.columnList );
    var col = "";
    var i = 0;
    var end = * arguments.pageSize;
    var start = end - (arguments.pagesize - 1);
    ret[ "total" ] = 0;
    ret[ "page" ] =;
    ret[ "records" ] = arguments.q.recordcount;
    if( q.recordCount ){
        ret[ "total" ] = ceiling( arguments.q.recordcount / arguments.pageSize );
    ret["rows"] = [];
    for( i=start; i LTE min(q.recordCount, end); i++ ){
        structClear( row );
        for(col in cols){
            if(isDate( q[ col ][ i ] ) ){
                row[ lcase( col ) ] = dateFormat( q[ col ][ i ], "yyyy-dd-mm" ) & " " & timeFormat( q[ col ][ i ], "HH:mm:ss" );
                row[ lcase( col )] = q[ col ][ i ];
        arrayAppend( ret[ "rows" ], duplicate( row ) );
    return ret;


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Created by Raymond Camden / Design by Justin Johnson