randStr(strLen, charset)
Last updated April 02, 2007
Version: 2 | Requires: CF5 | Library: StrLib
randStr returns a randomly generated string using lowercase letters, and/or numbers and possible uppercase letters.
The length of the string can be set specifically or the function can choose a random length within a specified range. eg: "8,16" will generate a string 8 to 16 characters long: "5" would only generate strings with 5 characters.
The characters used are based on your own preference. You may build a 'charset' using any of the three words "alpha, numeric, and upper".
Alpha = a-z
Upper = A-Z
Numeric = 0-9
Return Values:
Returns a string.
#randStr("8,16", "alphanumericupper")#
Name | Description | Required |
strLen | Either a number of a list of numbers representing the range in size of the returned string. | Yes |
charset | A string describing the type of random string. Can contain: alpha, numeric, and upper. | Yes |
Full UDF Source:
* Returns a randomly generated string using the specified character sets and length(s)
* @param strLen Either a number of a list of numbers representing the range in size of the returned string. (Required)
* @param charset A string describing the type of random string. Can contain: alpha, numeric, and upper. (Required)
* @return Returns a string.
* @author Bobby Hartsfield (bobby@acoderslife.com)
* @version 2, April 2, 2007
function randStr(strLen, charSet) {
var usableChars = "";
var charSets = arrayNew(1);
var tmpStr = "";
var newStr = "";
var i = 0;
var thisCharPos = 0;
var thisChar = "";
charSets[1] = '48,57'; // 0-9
charSets[2] = '65,90'; // A-Z
charSets[3] = '97,122'; // a=z
if (findnocase('alpha', charSet)) { usableChars = listappend(usableChars, 3); }
if (findnocase('numeric', charSet)) { usableChars = listappend(usableChars, 1); }
if (findnocase('upper', charSet)) { usableChars = listappend(usableChars, 2); }
if (len(usableChars) is 0) { usableChars = '1,2,3'; }
if(listlen(strLen) gt 1 and listfirst(strLen) lt listlast(strLen)) { strLen = randrange(listfirst(strLen), listlast(strLen)); }
else if (val(strLen) is 0) { strLen = 8; }
while (len(tmpStr) LE strLen-1)
thisSet = listFirst(usableChars);
usableChars = listdeleteat(usableChars, 1);
usableChars = listappend(usableChars, thisSet);
tmpStr = tmpStr & chr(randrange(listfirst(charSets[thisSet]), listlast(charSets[thisSet])));
for (i=1; i lte strLen; i=i+1)
thisCharPos = randrange(1, len(tmpStr));
thisChar = mid(tmpStr, thisCharPos, 1);
tmpStr = removeChars(tmPStr, thisCharPos, 1);
newstr = newstr & thisChar;
return newStr;
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