– Common Function Library Project

reFindNoCaseAll(regex, text)

Last updated November 06, 2003


Ben Forta

Version: 1 | Requires: CF6 | Library: StrLib

Returns all the matches (case insensitive) of a regular expression within a string. This is simular to reGet(), but more closely matches the result set of reFindNoCase.

Return Values:
Returns an array.


<cfset str = "This is all of cats in the Catalog.">
<cfset caps = reFindNoCaseAll("cat[^ ]",str)>
<cfdump var="#caps#" label="result">


Name Description Required
regex Regular expression. Yes
text String to search. Yes

Full UDF Source:

 Returns all the matches (case insensitive) of a regular expression within a string. This is simular to reGet(), but more closely matches the result set of reFind.
 @param regex      Regular expression. (Required)
 @param text      String to search. (Required)
 @return Returns an array. 
 @author Ben Forta ( 
 @version 1, November 17, 2003 
<cffunction name="reFindNoCaseAll" output="true" returnType="struct">
   <cfargument name="regex" type="string" required="yes">
   <cfargument name="text" type="string" required="yes">

   <!--- Define local variables --->    
   <cfset var results=structNew()>
   <cfset var pos=1>
   <cfset var subex="">
   <cfset var done=false>
   <!--- Initialize results structure --->
   <cfset results.len=arraynew(1)>
   <cfset results.pos=arraynew(1)>

   <!--- Loop through text --->
   <cfloop condition="not done">

      <!--- Perform search --->
      <cfset subex=reFindNoCase(arguments.regex, arguments.text, pos, true)>
      <!--- Anything matched? --->
      <cfif subex.len[1] is 0>
         <!--- Nothing found, outta here --->
         <cfset done=true>
         <!--- Got one, add to arrays --->
         <cfset arrayappend(results.len, subex.len[1])>
         <cfset arrayappend(results.pos, subex.pos[1])>
         <!--- Reposition start point --->
         <cfset pos=subex.pos[1]+subex.len[1]>

   <!--- If no matches, add 0 to both arrays --->
   <cfif arraylen(results.len) is 0>
      <cfset arrayappend(results.len, 0)>
      <cfset arrayappend(results.pos, 0)>

   <!--- and return results --->
   <cfreturn results>


Latest Additions

Raymond Camden added
November 04, 2017

Leigh added
May 11, 2016

Raymond Camden added
May 10, 2016

Kevin Cotton added
May 05, 2016

Raymond Camden added
April 25, 2016

Created by Raymond Camden / Design by Justin Johnson