– Common Function Library Project

verifyMailServer(protocol, host[, port], user, password[, useSSL][, useTLS][, enforceTLS][, timeout][, debug][, logPath][, append])

Last updated July 01, 2010



Version: 1 | Requires: CF6 | Library: NetLib

Verifies an SMTP, POP3 or IMAP mail server connection using the supplied credentials.

Return Values:
Returns a struct.


<cfset response = verifyMailServer(    host     = "",
                                    protocol = "pop3",
                                    port     = 995,    
                                    user     = "",
                                    password = "the password",
                                    useSSL     = false
                                ) />
<cfdump var="#response#" label="Verfication Results">


Name Description Required
protocol Mail protocol: SMTP, POP3 or IMAP Yes
host Mail server name (Example: Yes
port Mail server port number. Default is -1, meaning use the default port for this protocol) No
user Mail account username Yes
password Mail account password Yes
useSSL If true, use SSL (Secure Sockets Layer). Default is false. No
useTLS If true, use TLS (Transport Level Security). Default to false. No
enforceTLS If true, require TLS support, Default is false. No
timeout Maximum milliseconds to wait for connection. Default is 0 (wait forever) No
debug If true, enable debugging. By default information is sent to is sent to System.out. Default is false. No
logPath Send debugging output to this file. Absolute file path. Has no effect if debugging is disabled. No
append If false, the existing log file will be overwritten. Default is true. No

Full UDF Source:

 Verifies a mail server connection.
 @param protocol      Mail protocol: SMTP, POP3 or IMAP (Required)
 @param host      Mail server name (Example: (Required)
 @param port      Mail server port number. Default is -1, meaning use the default port for this protocol) (Optional)
 @param user      Mail account username (Required)
 @param password      Mail account password (Required)
 @param useSSL      If true, use SSL (Secure Sockets Layer). Default is false. (Optional)
 @param useTLS      If true, use TLS (Transport Level Security). Default to false. (Optional)
 @param enforceTLS      If true, require TLS support, Default is false. (Optional)
 @param timeout      Maximum milliseconds to wait for connection. Default is 0 (wait forever) (Optional)
 @param debug      If true, enable debugging. By default information is sent to is sent to System.out. Default is false. (Optional)
 @param logPath      Send debugging output to this file. Absolute file path. Has no effect if debugging is disabled. (Optional)
 @param append      If false, the existing log file will be overwritten. Default is true. (Optional)
 @return Returns a struct. 
 @author Leigh ( 
 @version 1, July 1, 2010 
<cffunction name="verifyMailServer" returntype="struct" access="public" output="true">
    <cfargument name="protocol" type="string" required="true" hint="Mail protocol: SMTP, POP3 or IMAP" />
    <cfargument name="host" type="string" required="true" hint="Mail server name (Example:"/>
    <cfargument name="port" type="numeric" default="-1" hint="Mail server port number. Default is -1, meaning use the default port for this protocol)" />
    <cfargument name="user" type="string" required="true" hint="Mail account username" />
    <cfargument name="password" type="string" required="true" hint="Mail account password" />
    <cfargument name="useSSL" type="boolean" default="false" hint="If true, use SSL (Secure Sockets Layer)" >
    <cfargument name="useTLS" type="boolean" default="false" hint="If true, use TLS (Transport Level Security)" >
    <cfargument name="enforceTLS" type="boolean" default="false" hint="If true, require TLS support" >
    <cfargument name="timeout" type="numeric" default="0" hint="Maximum milliseconds to wait for connection. Default is 0 (wait forever)" />
    <cfargument name="debug" type="boolean" default="false" hint="If true, enable debugging. By default information is sent to is sent to System.out." >
    <cfargument name="logPath" type="string" default="" hint="Send debugging output to this file. Absolute file path. Has no effect if debugging is disabled." >
    <cfargument name="append" type="boolean" default="true" hint="If false, the existing log file will be overwritten" >

    <cfset var status         = structNew() />
    <cfset var props         = "" />
    <cfset var mailSession     = "" />
    <cfset var store         = "" />
    <cfset var transport    = "" />
    <cfset var logFile        = "" />
    <cfset var fos             = "" />
    <cfset var ps             = "" />
    <!--- validate protocol --->
    <cfset arguments.protocol = lcase( trim(arguments.protocol) ) />
    <cfif not listFindNocase("pop3,smtp,imap", arguments.protocol)>
        <cfthrow type="IllegalArgument" message="Invalid protocol. Allowed values: POP3, IMAP and SMTP" />
        // initialize status messages
        status.wasVerified     = false;
        status.errorType      = "";
        status.errorDetail  = "";

        try {
               props = createObject("java", "java.util.Properties").init();

            // enable security settings
               if (arguments.useSSL or arguments.useTLS) {

                   // use the secure protocol
                   // this will set the property mail.{protocol}.ssl.enable = true
                if (arguments.useSSL) {
                    arguments.protocol = arguments.protocol &"s";            
                   // enable identity check (recommended)
                   props.put("mail."& protocol &".ssl.checkserveridentity", "true");

                // enable transport level security and make it mandatory
                // so the connection fails if TLS is not supported
                   if (arguments.useTLS) {
                       props.put("mail."& protocol &".starttls.required", "true");
                       props.put("mail."& protocol &".starttls.enable", "true");


            // force authentication command
            props.put("mail."& protocol &".auth", "true");

            // for simple verifications, apply timeout to both socket connection and I/O 
            if (structKeyExists(arguments, "timeout")) {
                   props.put("mail."& protocol &".connectiontimeout", arguments.timeout);
                   props.put("mail."& protocol &".timeout", arguments.timeout);

               // create a new mail session 
            mailSession = createObject("java", "javax.mail.Session").getInstance( props );

            // enable debugging
            if (arguments.debug) {
                   mailSession.setDebug( true );
                // redirect the output to the given log file
                if ( len(trim(arguments.logPath)) ) {
                    logFile = createObject("java", "").init( arguments.logPath );
                       fos      = createObject("java", "").init( logFile, arguments.overwrite );
                       ps       = createObject("java", "").init( fos ); 
                       mailSession.setDebugOut( ps );
            // Connect to an SMTP server ... 
            if ( left(arguments.protocol, 4) eq "smtp") {

                    transport = mailSession.getTransport( protocol );
                    transport.connect(, arguments.port, arguments.user, arguments.password);
                    // if we reached here, the credentials should be verified
                    status.wasVerified     = true;

            // Otherwise, it is a POP3 or IMAP server
            else {

                    store = mailSession.getStore( protocol );
                    store.connect(, arguments.port, arguments.user, arguments.password);
                    // if we reached here, the credentials should be verified
                    status.wasVerified     = true;


         //for authentication failures
         catch(javax.mail.AuthenticationFailedException e) {
                   status.errorType     = "Authentication";
                 status.errorDetail     = e;
         // some other failure occurred like a javax.mail.MessagingException
         catch(Any e) {
                 status.errorType     = "Other";
                 status.errorDetail     = e;

         // always close the stream ( messy work-around for lack of finally clause prior to CF9...)
         if ( not IsSimpleValue(ps) ) {

         return status;


Latest Additions

Raymond Camden added
November 04, 2017

Leigh added
May 11, 2016

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May 10, 2016

Kevin Cotton added
May 05, 2016

Raymond Camden added
April 25, 2016

Created by Raymond Camden / Design by Justin Johnson