– Common Function Library Project


Last updated August 02, 2003


Massimo Foti

Version: 1 | Requires: CF6 | Library: DataManipulationLib

Converts an CF XML objects to string without the XML declaration. In order to understand the need to have such a UDF you have to remember that CF always return the XML declaration when you turn an XML Doc to a string.

Return Values:
Returns a string.


<!--- Generate the XML doc --->
<cfsavecontent variable="xmlString">
        <geek city="Washinton D.C." name="Tom Muck">The only guy I know able to write a whole book using more than 6 different server-side languages</geek>
        <geek city="Lugano (Switzerland)" name="Massimo Foti">The man who learned JavaScript in order to avoid learning german</geek>
        <geek city="Los Angeles" name="Angela Buraglia">By far the cutiest geek in town</geek>
        <geek city="Seattle" name="Dan Short">Be careful with him, he married a trained killer...</geek>


In order to understand the need to have such a UDF try the CFML code below. 
Basically CF always return the XML declaration when you turn an XML  Doc to string:
<cfset XMLDoc=XmlParse(xmlString, "yes")>


Name Description Required
xmlDoc Either a XML document or string. Yes

Full UDF Source:

 Converts an CF XML objects to string without the XML declaration.
 @param xmlDoc      Either a XML document or string. (Required)
 @return Returns a string. 
 @author Massimo Foti ( 
 @version 1, August 2, 2003 
<cffunction name="xmlDoctoString" output="no" returntype="string" displayname="xmlDoctoString" hint="Extract the root element inside an XML Doc and return it as a string">
    <cfargument name="xmlDoc" type="string" required="true" displayname="xmlDoc" hint="An XML Doc or a well formed XML string">
    <cfset var xmlToParse="">
    <!--- Check to see if the argument is already an XMLDoc --->
    <cfif IsXmlDoc(arguments.xmlDoc)>
        <cfset xmlToParse=arguments.xmlDoc>
        <!--- We need a parsed XML doc, not just a simple string --->
            <cfset xmlToParse=XmlParse(arguments.xmlDoc, "yes")>
            <!--- Failed parsing, the string culd be not a well formed XML, throw an exception --->
            <cfcatch type="Any">
                <cfthrow message="xmlDoctoString: failed to parse argument.xmlDoc" type="xmlDoctoString">
    <cfreturn xmlToParse.getDocumentElement().toString()>


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November 04, 2017

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May 11, 2016

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April 25, 2016

Created by Raymond Camden / Design by Justin Johnson